[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dear Friends,
Greetings in Jesus’ name from Seattle, Washington USA. Life has been full of variety for me in the last few months. In May my visit to the South Island went well and the southern hospitality was superb from Wanaka to Cromwell to Invercargill to Bluff. A beautiful early snowfall in Wanaka began a very cold winter in N Z with lowest temperatures in a very long time. The Lord gave us several new sponsors, and I noticed a new spiritual expectancy in the deep South.

Arriving here from the cold, I am now enjoying and sometimes tolerating very hot weather. After a smooth flight, I landed in Vancouver BC on the 28th of June. The very next day my two sisters, Mary and Lily, and some close friends and I went on a four day trip to an island called Keats which is only accessible by water taxi. We were treated like royalty and enjoyed the water and sunshine and the view of Gibson, where I lived and pastored a community church from 1972 to 1982. I have many memories of that decade.

From there I visited my dear friends and mentors, Ray and Althea Bloomfield. I was happy to grocery shop and make meals and minister encouragement to these dedicated servants of the Lord. On Friday, 10th July, Don and Judy Haney drove up to Canada to pick me up. Sunday, the 12th, I preached at Spanaway (WA) Christian Center. I will be traveling in the Washington and Oregon area for the rest of the summer. The Lord continues to open doors and bless
me and this ministry.[/vc_column_text][us_separator type=”invisible”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]I am excited about our new project, which is building a new church in Andhra with Samuel John. We will be dedicating it to the memory of my precious brother-in-law, Michael Bensley.

Under the dedicated ministry of Pastor Celestian and his wife Mary, the congregation has grown to approximately 100 believers. They are located in a poor area, where they presently meet in a simple mud hut. It can no longer contain the growing church.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_single_image image=”174″ size=”full”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][us_separator type=”invisible”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_single_image image=”178″ size=”full”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The locals have purchased a piece of land and we have sent $3,000 to purchase materials and begin building. The approximate full cost is $10,500. I inquired how the church grew to this number from very small beginnings. I was told that three years ago our team visited this area and some villagers came running over and interrupted our meeting and asked us to pray that their valuable buffalo, that had fallen into an old well, would be rescued out of it. They believed it could not be done as they had already tried and failed.. We did pray of course, and the next day we heard that the miracle had happened and it was freed. Since then the word spread and many Hindus have accepted Christ and attend the church.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][us_separator type=”invisible”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Recently we drilled a community “Jesus Well” there and now the villagers do not have to walk over a mile for drinkable water. Praise the Lord!
To find out more about this project click here

We are planning the next team visit to India for the 7th January to 1st February 2016. About half the needed number of 10 persons has committed to join us. There is still room for people of any age group to decide to go, obeying the Great Commission and gaining an unforgettable experience. Please contact us soon so we can make plans for this awesome trip. You will not be the same again.

Thank you for your prayers and giving. It is greatly appreciated. Please continue to help us. In Eccl. 11:1 we are told “Cast your bread upon the waters (meaning people) for you will find it after many days.” Be encouraged, the Lord has not forgotten your labor of love.

With love and blessings,
Nancy[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][us_single_image image=”177″ size=”full”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][us_separator type=”invisible”][vc_column_text]

Praise Report

  • Three more Jesus wells dug in new areas delighting the villagers
  • Village Pastor Prasard’s dwelling completed in Andhra
  • Our Pastor Johnny completed three months of intense travel holding children’s crusades & teaching seminars Reached 1000′s of children with the Good News
  • Work has begun on a new Church Bldg in Pasivedaia, Andhra

Special Needs

  • Regular support for many neglected children/poor widows/ Leprosy persons/Pastors $30 monthly
  • P/A systems for public Gospel meetings $635
  • Community “Jesus wells” for good drinkable water in new villages $300 to $1000 (Depending on depth)
  • Sewing machines for sewing instruction $300 each
  • Boundary wall for Faith & Vision Children’s Home, Kakinada. $3000
  • Children’s Teaching materials for leaders of Kids Clubs $60 each
  • Bicycles for students & Pastors $120 each
  • House of Hope Children’s Home needs a new kitchen/Dining Hall $10,000 to keep it open.
  • Village Church Buildings in Andhra $8,000 to $10,000

Rev. G. Jaideep Kumar (Johney)
God has used me, my wife Sujatha and the team this summer of 2015 among children ministry through VBS programs. We have ministered to more than 7350 children, in the cities, slums, villages and orphanages.
2015 theme: AMAZING LOVE. Teaching children good action songs, Bible lessons, puppetry, Gospel magic and visual aids, many Hindu children heard the gospel for the first time in their life. Please pray that they will join in the Kid’s Clubs.

We have also trained nearly 600 Sunday school teachers in different parts of our districts. The teachers were blessed by our teachings and motivated to do children’s work in their communities.

With the response of the teachers we are starting more kid’s clubs in the unreached areas. Kid’s Clubs helps the children to get more closer to God, they learn stories, how to pray…they also do their school homework in the club. Since the parents are illiterates, they are interested to send their children to the clubs. Through children we are winning parents.
